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Execute reports

You can execute the Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software reports online or in the background.

  • Before you execute a report, you make sure that the loaded data is up to date.

  • Executing reports is a standard SAP function. For more information, see the SAP Help Portal.

Execute report online

  1. Open the selection screen of the report.

  2. Enter the selection criteria or select a variant.

  3. Select Execute.png.

After you have executed the report, in most cases a table shows the report results and there are functions for editing the data.

Execute report in the background

You can execute many of the reports in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software in the background. Background processing enables you to execute long-running ABAP reports more efficiently and avoid timeouts.

  1. Open the selection screen of a report that you can execute in the background.

  2. In the SAP menu, select Program.

  3. In the menu, select Execute in background.

  4. In the Background print parameters pop-up, select Accept.png .

  5. In the Start time pop-up, select Immediate.

  6. Select Save.png .

  • You can show the results of the reports that were processed in the background by executing transaction SM37.

  • If you do not have authorization for the transaction SM37, you can use the Overview jobs report to show a job overview.