OpenText archiving and document access license report
Access through: Reports > Reports for ABAP systems > Add-ons > OpenText archiving and document access license report
The OpenText archiving and document access license report shows OpenText license information of ABAP systems.
The OpenText license report in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software corresponds to the license report provided by OpenText in versions 9.8 to 10.0.
Before you can execute this report, you must load OpenText data.
This report gives you information about the usage of the OpenText applications "SAP Archiving" and "SAP Document Access" on the selected ABAP data sources. Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software determines the OpenText usage based on the ArchiveLink and DocuLink authorizations assigned to users. In this way, the report enables you to centrally check licenses of many OpenText installations in one central place.
Selection criteria
The selection screen of the report has standard selection criteria.
You can execute this report in the background.
This report result description refers to a report execution with an aggregation scheme by user ID.
The report result shows the following information about OpenText usage in several tabs:
The Archives tab shows the archives found on the data sources. Activated checkboxes indicate OpenText archives.
The Projects tab shows the OpenText projects used on the data sources.
The Contractual users tab shows the overall number of OpenText users broken down by consolidated SAP license type.
The Archives aggregation tab shows the number of ArchiveLink users broke down by consolidated SAP license type.
The Doculink aggregation tab shows the number of DocuLink users broken down by consolidated SAP license type.
The Technical users tab shows the overall number of OpenText users broken down by ArchiveLink and DocuLink users and SAP user type.
The User details tab shows detailed information about all OpenText users.