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Access through: Settings > Customizing

The Customizing feature allows you to adjust the Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software features according to your needs.

Supported languages

Supported languages

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Supported languages

In this setting, you can define the languages for the texts that are loaded from connected systems and for the texts of self-defined menu entries. The default languages are German and English.

Periodic data

Periodic data

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Periodic data

In this setting, you can define how Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software loads periodic ABAP data.

  • In Maximum months for loading periodic data , you can define the maximum number of past months for which periodic data can be loaded when Absolute specification is selected in the ABAP data load reports. The default value is 24 months. This setting also affects the value help for the period.

  • In Minimum CPU time for loading periodic data, you can define the minimum CPU time in seconds for periods, users, and objects (transactions or reports). Entries with a lower CPU time are not loaded.

Data load ABAP

Data load ABAP

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Data load ABAP

In this setting, you can define defaults for loading ABAP data. You can select the checkboxes to preselect the following options and make them uneditable in ABAP data load reports:

  • Only dialog users

  • Only currently valid users

  • USMM license type systematic


If you select all the checkboxes in this customizing setting, and the User master data option is selected in ABAP data load reports, the Roles and authorizations option is also preselected and uneditable.

Updates user master data

Updates user master data

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Updates user master data

In this setting, you can define how Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software processes changes to user master data.

  • If Ignore old value is deselected, the current value of the user master data field is read from the satellite system and compared to the old value in the change list. If the values are different, no update is performed, and an error entry is added to the change list. This can be useful when several users are making changes at the same time and do not want to overwrite each other's changes. This option is selected by default.

  • If Sync. after update is selected, the changes to the user master data are also synchronized with the values stored in the master system. This option is selected by default.

  • If a rule set has a local rule with the Unassign all authorization roles action type, and after rule set execution you save the recommended changes in a change list, the Old value field of the users in the change list is set to *, meaning that you cannot undo the changes.
    If the Resolve all rules option is selected, all single roles are resolved and displayed in the Old value field of the change list. This allows changes to be undone.

RFC destination to LAW central system

RFC destination to LAW central system

Access through: Settings > Customizing > RFC destination to LAW central system

In this setting, you can define the RFC destination to the LAW central system. The RFC destination is required to transfer measurement data to the LAW central system via an RFC connection.

Reporting groups

Reporting groups

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Reporting groups

In this setting, you can define reporting groups. For every reporting group, you can enter the name and description.

Names of jobs

Names of jobs

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Names of jobs

In this setting, you can define custom job names that are used instead of the default job names when you process change lists or start system measurements in the background.



Access through: Settings > Customizing > Supermaster

The Supermaster folder has settings for the configuration of Submaster systems and the automatic transfer of change list entries from a Supermaster system to connected Submaster systems.

Submaster configuration

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Supermaster > Submaster configuration

In this setting, you can define whether change list entries can be transferred from the Supermaster system to the Submaster system. In the Submaster systems, new change lists can be created, or entries can be added to an existing change list. After the import, notifications can be sent to receiver lists.


This setting only applies if the SAP system is a Submaster system.

Change list transfer

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Supermaster > Change list transfer

In this setting, you can define whether change list entries are automatically transferred from the Supermaster system to a Submaster system each time a change list is processed on the Supermaster system.


This setting is useful when change lists are processed automatically and the manual transfer of change list entries from the Supermaster system to the Submaster system is impossible.

HR connector

HR connector

Access through: Settings > Customizing > HR connector

The HR connector folder has a setting for assigning HR data sources.

HR data source assignments

Access through: Settings > Customizing > HR connector > HR data source assignments

In this setting, you can assign HR data sources to data sources in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software. This allows you to show the HR activity status of users in the HR activity status report. For each assignment, you can select the HR communication type to decide whether the user mapping is specified by the user ID or the email address.


You can assign the same HR data source to different data sources in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.

Active Directory connector

Active Directory connector

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Active Directory connector

The Active Directory connector folder has settings for loading and showing Active Directory data.


To access Active Directory data, you must create connections to Active Directory servers using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) connector. To configure the LDAP connector via transaction LDAP, see the SAP standard documentation.

Active Directory attributes

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Active Directory connector > Active Directory attributes

In this setting, you can define the attributes that are read from the Active Directory server. You must create an entry for each attribute that is to be read. For all attributes that have dates, select the DATES attribute type. For all other attributes, select the STRING attribute type.

Active Directory mapping and filter

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Active Directory connector > Active Directory mapping & filter

In this setting, you can define for each Active Directory server which Active Directory attributea are mapped to which SAP data fields. To limit the number of records to be read, you can specify search filters.

SAP fieldAD attributeSearch filter

Active Directory data source assignments

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Active Directory connector > Active Directory data source assignments

In this setting, you can assign Active Directory servers to data sources in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.

Inventory data

Inventory data

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Inventory data

The Inventory data folder has settings for loading and showing inventory data.

Inventory sources

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Inventory data > Inventory sources

In this setting, you can create inventory data sources of the types SLM and CSV.

Snow License Manager connector

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Inventory data > Snow License Manager connector

The Snow License Manager connector folder has settings for maintaining the connection to the Snow License Manager (SLM) server.

RFC destination SLM server

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Inventory data > Snow License Manager connector > RFC destination SLM server

In this setting, you can define the RFC destination to the SLM server for inventory data sources of the type SLM.

Allowlist application

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Inventory data > Snow License Manager connector > Allowlist application

In this setting, you can define the applications whose data is to be read on the SLM data source. You can create entries for the following SLM fields:

  • Application Name (NAME)

  • Application manufacturer (MANUFNAME)

  • Application ID (APPID)

  • Manufacturer ID (MANUFID)


Only read the data of applications that have the manufacturer SAP AG

SLM fieldField value
Contract and compliance

Contract and compliance

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Contract & compliance

The Contract and compliance folder has settings for Contract management.

Default SAP license contract

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Contract & compliance > Default SAP license contract

In this setting, you can define the default license contract for the compliance analysis in Results of rule set executions and Results of cost allocations.


Before using this setting, you must create at least one license contract in Manage contracts.

Contract maintenance assignments

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Contract & compliance > Contract - maintenance assignments

If a company has several subsidiaries, it can be difficult in Contract management to keep track of which licenses belong to which subsidiary. To identify which subsidiary licenses belong, there are assignments.

In this setting, you can define the assignments that you can use for assigning Contracts and Products. Assignments are a selection criterion in the Compliance analysis report.

Metric Full Use Equivalents - Factors

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Contract & compliance > Metric Full Use Equivalents - Factors

In this setting, you can define the Full Use Equivalents (FUE) factors, that you can use in classes for the product-specific calculation of S/4HANA Cloud Products in Contract management.

An FUE factor defines how many users of a user type correspond to one FUE in S/4HANA Cloud. FUE factor 30 means, for example, that 30 users correspond to one FUE.

In Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software, each FUE factor is assigned to a scenario and a license. Scenarios and licenses group FUE factors so that all factors in the same scenario and license are assigned to a specific class. Each class in turn stands for a specific product.

Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software comes with predefined FUE factors. You can adjust the factors if necessary.

Metric Full Use Equivalents - Product

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Contract & compliance > Metric Full Use Equivalents - Product

In this setting, you can define the assignment of Full Use Equivalent (FUE) scenarios to Products for Results of rule set executions.

Compliance check - groups for data export

Access through: Settings > Customizing > Contract & compliance > Compliance check - groups for data export

In this setting, you can define the export groups that decide which compliance analysis results are intended for which further processing system. You can select the export groups in the Compliance analysis report.