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ABAP system

An ABAP system is an SAP system that is based on the Application Server ABAP and is identified by its system ID (SID), which consists of three characters.

Active Directory (AD)

Active Directory is a trademarked directory service by Microsoft as an integral part of the Windows 2000 architecture. Active Directory is a centralized and standardized system that automates network management of user data, security, and distributed resources, and enables interoperation with other directories.

Activity status

Activity status describes the status of an account (for example, active or inactive) in relation to the activities performed by the account holder.


An add-on is any development using SAP APIs that adds new and independent functionality but does not modify existing SAP functionality.

Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP)

Advanced Business Application Programming is a programming language created by SAP. It is an interpretive language with syntax. The ABAP acronym was originally formed from the German product name 'Allgemeiner Berichts-Aufbereitungs-Prozessor' (which translates to the 'General Report Creation Processor').


Aggregation describes the summary of the data of many rows of a database table.

Aggregation group

An aggregation group is the result of a user being found on many data sources. The aggregation is displayed depending on the selected aggregation scheme. Example: If the aggregation scheme EMAIL was selected, all users with the same email addresses are aggregated into the same groups.

Application Server (AS)

Application Server describes an SAP NetWeaver usage type for all components of SAP applications. AS supports internet protocols (HTTP/HTTPS/SMTP) and XML, enabling web services, and other web applications to be executed. Applications can be programmed in an open development environment. Former SAP basis functions for all existing SAP applications are integrated into AS. AS has been split into AS ABAP and AS Java. Both AS usage types can access one persistence layer, which is independent of the operating and database systems, and they can call one another to connect.

Application Specific Full Use (ASFU)

Application Specific Full Use is a license that is sold by a solution provider in conjunction with its proprietary software (for example: installations of SAP that run on Oracle ASFU databases). ASFU licenses may not be used with more than one application. For SAP deployments, SAP normally resells the Oracle ASFU license for each user. Usually, partners provide first-line support to their end-users, while Oracle provides second-line support to the partners.

ArchiveLink is a technology of the AS ABAP integrated service that creates a link between stored documents and application documents linked in the SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP.


An authorization defines which data can be accessed by a user.

Authorization concept

An authorization concept describes the structure and functions associated with authorization assignment and checking in SAP systems.

Authorization object

An authorization object is an element of the authorization concept. Authorization objects enable the definition of complex authorizations by grouping up to ten authorization fields in an AND relationship to check whether a user is allowed to perform a certain action. To pass an authorization test for an object, the user must pass the authorization check for each field in the object.

Authorization profile

An authorization profile is an element of the authorization concept. Authorization profiles give users access to the SAP system. They contain authorizations, which are identified using the name of an authorization object and the name of an authorization. If a profile is specified in the user master data, all authorizations defined in this profile are assigned to the user.

Authorization role

An authorization role is an element of the authorization concept. Authorization roles are assigned to users to specify which transactions (or Fiori applications) a user is allowed to execute. There are single and composite roles. Single roles describe higher-level functions that are independent of organizational or user-specific restrictions (bundling of individual work steps into an activity or task). Composite roles are the combination of single roles to form business roles (functional description).

Background job

A background job is a job that is used to start one or more ABAP programs in background processing. A background job consists of background tasks.

Background processing

Background processing describes the execution of programs with defined settings in the background without a user dialog.

Batch job

A batch job consists of a set of objects that can be scheduled and executed together.

Business functions

Business functions are additional features and enhancements in self-contained units of existing SAP installations. Using transaction SFW5, Business Functions can be activated or deactivated.

BusinessObjects (BO)

SAP BusinessObjects BI (SAP BO) is a centralized suite of reporting and analytics tools for business intelligence. The company of the same name was acquired by SAP in 2007.

CCMS statistics data/consumption data

CCMS statistics data is statistical data coming from the Computing Center Management System of an SAP system. CCMS statistics data shows the workload of SAP users regarding the consumption of data on connected SAP systems in relation to CPU consumption and dialog steps. CCMS statistics data/consumption data is required to perform license optimization.

Central system

A central system is an SAP system that manages one or more other systems within a system landscape. A central system also manages itself.

Central User Administration (CUA)

In the Central User Administration, the users of a central system can be maintained. A system group includes several SAP systems with several clients. The same users are often created, and the same roles are assigned to the same users in each client. CUA is designed to perform these tasks in a central system and distribute the data to the systems in the system group.

Change document

A change document is a document that details changes to master records, tables, documents, etc.

Change document data

Change document data is data within change documents created for any activity within the ERP processes. In the license analysis, change documents help to further analyze the consumption data.


A client is an organizational unit of an SAP system. Several clients can exist on the same system. Different clients have their own user master data with their own authorizations.

Client/server architecture

Client/server architecture describes cooperative information processing, where tasks are shared between programs on linked computers. All types of computers can work together in such a system group. Servers (service providers = back-end) provide services over the network, and clients (customers = front-end) can request these services. In distributed systems with several servers, these servers can also communicate with each other across the network. In an SAP system, the application servers are the servers, and the SAP GUI front-ends are the clients. For the database, these servers then serve as clients.


Compliance describes the act or process of adhering to policies and agreed-upon contract terms.

Compliance analyses

Compliance analyses are analyses performed to ensure compliance by comparing the actual usage of an SAP system and contract content.

Composite profile

A composite profile is a type of authorization criteria. Composite profiles contain other single and composite profiles. A composite profile is assigned to a user.

Composite role

A composite role describes a collection of roles. Users who have been assigned a composite role are entered into the associated roles during synchronization.

Concurrent user

A concurrent user is a license that can be assigned to several users, but the number of users who can simultaneously access an SAP system at the same time is limited.


Consolidation describes the process of merging data of different criterion values into global values.

Data source

A data source is a satellite system that is connected to the master system on which Snow Optimizer is installed. Snow Optimizer receives data from the data source.

Developer user

A developer user is a license that authorizes the use of existing development tools to modify SAP software.

Dialog step

A dialog step describes the state between a user action on the user interface and the sending of a new screen. During a dialog step, an AS ABAP does not react to user actions. The current user session is assigned a work process of the application server, which executes the program logic of the dialog step.

Dialog user

A dialog user is the user type for interactive users. Dialog users log into the corresponding system via the SAP Logon.

Digital Access

Digital Access occurs when devices, bots, automated systems, etc. directly access the Digital Core of the SAP system. It also occurs when humans or any device or systems indirectly use the Digital Core via a non-SAP intermediary software, such as a non-SAP front-end, a custom-solution, or a third-party application. The volume of Digital Access is measured by the number of created Digital Documents.

Digital Document

A Digital Document is a document that is created in the SAP system not by Human Access, but by Digital Access. Digital Documents are used to measure the volume of Digital Access. The volume of Digital Access is used for the license calculation in the outcome-based SAP Digital Access pricing model.


A duplicate is a user who has multiple accounts with different user IDs.

Employee Self-Service user (ESS user)

An Employee Self-Service user license (ESS) is a lower-cost SAP license type that enables employees to create, display, and change their own HR-related data in the Enterprise Portal or intranet.

Employee user

An Employee user is a basic license type that authorizes to perform tasks purely for the individual's own use and not on behalf of anyone else, tasks that are set out by the software license.


An engine/a package is an optional SAP application for that an additional license is required. The licensed units of the engines/packages are based on sizes such as orders, contracts, or contract accounts.

Enhancement package

An enhancement package is a software package consisting of new features, updates, best practice tools, and templates. Enhancement packages are released at regular intervals to quickly respond to market requirements and provide added value to SAP customers and partners without requiring them to wait for the next product release.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Enterprise Resource Planning describes the management of all the information and resources involved in a company's operations using an integrated ERP system such as SAP ERP.

Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

Governance, Risk, and Compliance describes the integrated collection of capabilities that enable an organization to reliably achieve objectives, address uncertainty, and act with integrity.

High Performance Analytic Appliance (HANA)

High Performance Analytic Appliance is an in-memory database and applications platform that facilitates big data processing in real-time.

HR data source

A connected HR data source is useful to determine if a user is still with the company. The link is created via the user ID or email address to only work with validation dates. No further data is read and used for the HR activity status report.


IDoc is the central exchange format of SAP systems and is used to import and export data to and from a system, such as purchase orders, delivery notes, or invoices.

Indirect Usage/Indirect Access

Indirect Usage describes the indirect access of users from an external system to an SAP system without having a named user license assigned in SAP.

License Administration Workbench (LAW)

The License Administration Workbench is a tool to prepare audit data for SAP to review. LAW collects and consolidates SAP license-relevant measurement data (users, engines) for the component and central system. System administrators can get a more consolidated overview of the licenses provisioned and deployed. SAP uses LAW measurement data to bill customers when additional licensing is required. LAW is not an optimization tool and does not indicate which users are inactive or over-licensed.

License agreement

A license agreement describes an agreement between SAP and a licensee, according to which a licensee has acquired the license rights to use SAP software.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol provides information about users, their group assignments, and other user-specific information. LDAP is based on a client/server model and is used with directory services such as Active Directory. It describes the communication between the LDAP client and the directory server. From such a directory, object-specific data, such as personal data or computer configurations, can be read. The communication is performed on basis of queries.

Limited professional user

A Limited professional user is a basic license type that authorizes to perform limited operational roles as defined by the software license.

Master Synchronization Point

A Master Synchronization Point connects Submaster systems in the data source administration of a Supermaster system.

Master system

A master system is a central SAP system where Snow Optimizer is installed on.

Multiple logon

Multiple logon describes the practice of logging on multiple times to the same account from multiple clients.

Multiple selection

Multiple selection describes a selection criterion that allows selecting several rows of a table.

Named user

A named user is a license for one named person/user to use an SAP system.


A namespace is an ID assigned only by SAP that allows SAP customers, SAP partners, and SAP to develop SAP components and products using SAP applications, without the danger of naming conflicts.

Non-periodic data

Non-periodic data is data not recorded in periodic intervals. This includes system data, measurement data, user master data, role data, module data, transaction data, HR data, Business Functions, Professional and Limited Professional table activities, and add-on data.

Periodic data

Periodic data is data related to the behavior of users on the systems. Periodic data is the umbrella term for CCMS statistics data (consumption data) and change document data.

Professional user

A professional user is a basic license type that authorizes the execution of supported operational system administration roles or management roles.

Remote Function Call (RFC)

Remote Function Call describes the call of a functional module that runs on a different system than the calling program. In Snow Optimizer, RFC connections are used for data exchange between a master system and satellite systems.

Remote user

A remote user is a user that is logged on to an AS ABAP from an external location by Remote Function Call. The logon data and authorization can be defined in the destination.


A report reads and displays data, for example in a list.


Reporting describes the classical application area of executable programs.

S/4HANA Cloud

S/4HANA Cloud is the SaaS version of the SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA. Companies outsource their servers, hardware, and software to a public cloud. SAP provides the operation of the systems and new updates every quarter. The on-premises version of S/4HANA can be run in the S/4HANA Private Cloud. In this case, SAP provides the server and hardware and ensures the operation and security of the systems.

SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA (S/4HANA)

SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA is the fourth version of the SAP Business Suite. It is designed to run only on SAP HANA databases. SAP S/4HANA allows companies to perform transactions and analyze business data in real-time and is available in on-premises, cloud, and hybrid deployment models. It uses the SAP Fiori UI rather than the traditional SAP GUI.

SAP Logon

SAP Logon is a locally installed program that allows to log on to an SAP system via direct access. It serves as an intermediary between the SAP system and the SAP GUI user interface.

SAP NetWeaver (SAP NW)

SAP NetWeaver is an open integration and application platform used across all SAP solutions and selected SAP partner solutions. SAP NetWeaver is a Web-based platform that serves as a foundation for Enterprise Services Architecture (ESA) and allows the integration and alignment of people, information, and business processes across business and technology boundaries.


The SAPPHIRE is an SAP conference that takes place every spring in North America.

SAP product

SAP products are items in the SAP price lists and can be of the type user license, engine, database, subscription, etc. To each SAP product, a material number and a sales unit (blocks + metric) are assigned. The usage rights of SAP products are regulated in license agreements.

SAP Solution Manager

The SAP Solution Manager is a platform for Application Lifecycle Management and supports and manages both SAP and third-party applications within an SAP ERP environment.

SAP spool system

SAP spool system describes an application server process for managing sequential data streams, which are sent to a printer or stored in SAP ArchiveLink. Until an output request is created, the data is stored in a temporary spool request.

Satellite system

A satellite system is an SAP system connected to a central SAP system (master system).

Secondary database connection

A secondary database connection is a secondary connection of an application or program to a database. For example, an application is connected to the central database of an application server with a primary database connection, and also to an SAP HANA database through a secondary database connection.


A server is a physical hardware system capable of running server software.

Submaster system

A Submaster system is a central SAP system where Snow Optimizer is installed on. It collects data from the connected satellite systems in its SAP system landscape. The Submaster system synchronizes the collected data with the connected Supermaster system. After editing in the Supermaster system, data is transferred back to the Submaster system in change lists, and changes can be processed in the Submaster system.

Supermaster system

A Supermaster system is a central SAP system where Snow Optimizer is installed on. In the Supermaster system, data of the connected Submaster systems of various SAP system landscapes are synchronized and compiled. After editing in the Supermaster system, data is transferred back to the Submaster systems in change lists.

Super user

A super user is a privileged user with more access and permissions than a typical user. SAP* is a super user in SAP systems.

System administrator

A system administrator is a user responsible for the technical administration in the SAP Master Data Services environment. Typical activities include assigning user authorizations, solving distribution errors, monitoring alerts, and resolving technical issues. A system administrator does not deal with administrative activities related to master data management, which are typically performed by the data architect.

System user

A system user is a user type for dialog-free communication in a system, for example, for Remote Function Calls and background processing.


A transaction is the call of a program via a transaction code in the SAP system.

Transaction code (TCODE)

A transaction code is a sequence of characters that identifies a transaction in the SAP system. A transaction code can contain up to 20 characters and should always begin with a letter. Permitted characters are letters from A to Z, numbers from 0 to 9, and the underscore.

Transaction data

Transaction data is transaction-specific data that is short-lived and assigned to certain master data.


A transport is a package that is used to transfer data to an SAP installation.


A user is either the individual directly or indirectly accessing SAP software or an individual work station, terminal, hand-held, or otherwise portable device that is available to the end-user.

User group

A user group is a collection of users. Every user can be assigned to one or multiple user groups. Authorizations can be assigned to a user group which are then valid for all users in the user group.

User master data

User master data is the basic data of users on an SAP system. User master data is required to perform license optimization.

User master record

A user master record contains important master data about a user in the SAP system. The user master record contains the assignment of one or more roles to the user. This is how a user menu and the corresponding authorizations for the activities contained in the user menu are assigned to the user. Only users who have a user master record can log on to the system.

User session

A user session is created when a user logs on to the system and is usually closed when the user logs off.


The USMM is SAP's audit measurement program and classifies the named users in all the satellite systems before using LAW on the master system to pull all the audit data together for SAP.