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Action types

Access through: Rules > Definitions > Local rules

Action types are part of the rules feature in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software. They define specific actions in local rules. The actions are executed when a local rule is executed in a rule set.


Actions are only carried out when certain conditions are met. For this purpose, you can add condition types to a local rule.

There are many predefined action types for different system types in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software. The available action types affect either license types, user accounts, or role and group assignments. Additionally, you can implement completely self-developed actions and emails can be sent when executing a role set.

License type

License type

  • Set license type

    This action type assigns a license type. You can select to set a manually entered license type or the license type determined by the ABAP role classification condition type.

  • Set default license type of client

    This action type uses the default license type that is maintained in the USMM or in the Data source administration of Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.

  • Keep current license type

    This action type ensures that users who are not changed during the optimization process keep their currently assigned license type.

User account

User account

  • Set valid-to date (absolute or relative)

    These action types set the valid-to date of user accounts. You can either specify an absolute date or a relative date that includes the current day and several days into the future or past.

  • Lock or unlock user

    These action types lock or unlock user accounts.

  • Deactivate or activate user

    These action types deactivate or activate user accounts.

  • Set special version

    This action type sets a special version of a license type like they were contained in old SAP contracts.

  • Set country surcharge

    This action type sets a country surcharge for a license type like they were contained in old SAP contracts.

Role and group assignments

Role and group assignments

  • Set user group

    This action type assigns a user group to users.

  • User Role (assign, unassign, or unassign all)

    These action types assign or unassign selected roles to users or unassign all roles of users on ABAP systems. You can select roles of all connected ABAP systems.


    When you use the Unassign all authorization roles action type in a local rule, you can activate the Resolve all rules option in Customizing to resolve all single roles and display them in a change list. This allows you to undo changes.



  • Send email

    This action type sends an email directly to the users that meet the definitions of the executed rule set. In the detailed view of the action type, you can select a notification text. The description of this notification text is used as the subject of the email.


    When you execute a rule set, the SAP system sends the email immediately without being cached in a change list.


    To send emails, the SAP system needs to be configured for sending emails (transaction SCOT), and valid email addresses must be maintained in the user master data of the receivers.


    The notification text may contain parameters that are replaced with the content of a system field.



Using the interface /DYNAM/IF_SELF_LOCAL_ACTION, you can implement completely self-developed action types in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software which correspond to special environments or interests. Via the interface, self-implemented action types can access loaded data of any SAP system or external system.

To use self-implemented action types, you must implement the interface in your class. The interface has seven methods that you should implement:

RECOMMENDAction type logic that is checked.
IS_ABAP_ACTIONReturns TRUE or FALSE to decide if the action type applies to ABAP systems.
IS_BOBJ_ACTIONReturns TRUE or FALSE to decide if the action type applies to BusinessObjects systems.
IS_EXT_ACTIONReturns TRUE or FALSE to decide if the action type applies to non-SAP systems.
IS_HANA_ACTIONReturns TRUE or FALSE to decide if the action type applies to HANA databases.
IS_JUME_ACTIONReturns TRUE or FALSE to decide if the action type applies to Java-UME systems.