Condition types
Access through: Rules > Definitions > Local rules
Condition types are part of the rules feature in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.
Condition types define specific conditions in local rules. If conditions are true when a rule set is executed, then defined actions are carried out.
There are many predefined condition types for different system types in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software. Additionally, you can implement completely self-developed conditions.
Selected checkboxes in the condition type pop-up indicate for which system types a condition type is valid.
When creating a condition, you can enter a fixed condition value, or you can select that you have to enter the condition value during the rule set execution.
System data field or user master data field
These condition types check for a field value in a system data field or in a user master data field.
tipTo specify the system on which the respective data field exists, you can use these condition types together with the Data source condition type.
Data source
This condition type checks for data sources.
tipYou can use this condition type together with other condition types to restrict them to specific data sources.
User on data source
This condition type checks if users exist on at least one of the selected data sources. The check is based on the aggregation group after consolidating the data.
To reverse the logic of this condition, you can select the True if not on data source checkbox.
Last logon user
This condition type checks for users who have not logged in for a certain period.
For calculating the last login date, you can enter the number of days since the last login and select a base date option:
Current date: The date on which you execute the rule set.
Date of last data load: The last date on which the user data was loaded from the selected data sources.
Manual base date: You can enter the base date manually.
To reverse the logic of this condition, you can select the Condition true if user was logged in checkbox.
To consider the last login date of an aggregation group, you can select the Use minimal value from aggregation group checkbox. For example, you can use this option to deactivate a user account if the user has not logged in for at least 90 days to all systems where that user was found.
noteThis condition type has a fallback option for newly created user accounts that could not log in yet. In this case, the condition type checks the creation date instead of the last login date, because there is no value for the last login date without a first login. This way, you cannot unintentionally invalidate newly created user accounts.
Authorization object classification
This condition type checks for the current roles of a user and assigns a S/4HANA license type based on a selected authorization object classification.
noteIf your mapping of license types to steps differs from the mapping made in the authorization object classification, you can define a custom mapping in Customizing.
Authorization object assigned/not assigned
This condition type checks for users who are assigned a specific authorization object or not. Additionally, the condition type can check for authorization fields and field values of the selected authorization object.
HR status is active/inactive
This condition type checks for users who have either an active or inactive HR status on a connected HR data source.
HR status inactive, no login
This condition type checks for users who have an inactive HR status on a connected HR data source and have not logged in to an SAP system.
Check Active Directory attribute
This condition type checks for users who are assigned specific Active Directory attributes.
Always true
This condition type guarantees that the condition in a local rule is always met, and the actions of the local rule are executed.
Role and group assignments
Role and group assignments
ABAP or Java-UME role assignment or Java-UME group assignment
These condition types check for ABAP or Java-UME roles or Java-UME groups that are assigned to users.
To reverse the logic of these conditions, you can select the True if none of the roles assigned or True if none of the groups assigned checkboxes.
ABAP role classification
This condition type checks for ABAP role classifications.
Based on the roles that are assigned to users in an ABAP role classification, Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software recommends optimal license types. This recommendation is based on roles that the user has or has not used. Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software considers a role as used if the user has executed at least one transaction that is included in the role.
To consider only roles that the user has used, you can select the Only account for used roles checkbox.
tipYou can use the ABAP role classification condition type together with the Set license type action type to automatically set the recommended license type.
Only roles from usage profile assigned
This condition type checks for the roles of a usage profile.
If a user has assigned all roles of the selected usage profile, the condition is true. This allows you to find users who have been assigned a specific set of roles.
CPU time
CPU time
These condition types check for the usage of ABAP systems based on the used CPU time in seconds.
To consider aggregation groups, you can select the Aggregation group checkbox.
To limit the checked period, you can select the Restrict period checkbox and enter the months to be considered.
CPU consumption
This condition type checks for the used CPU time in seconds. To define a threshold, you can select operators for greater than (>), greater than/equal to (>=), less than (<), or less than/equal to (<=) the entered CPU time.
Matching CPU time usage profile % >= or < threshold
These condition types check to what extent the usage corresponds to the objects defined in a usage profile.
Usually, you check for transactions that use 100 % of the CPU time of a usage profile to ensure that a usage profile covers the usage of these transactions completely. Depending on the tolerated deviation, you can enter a different value in the Matching % >= or Matching % < field.
Objects not included or included in a usage profile
Objects not included or included in a usage profile
These condition types check for the system usage based on a selected usage profile and an entered threshold of a specific object type.
There are two versions of each of these condition types: One version checks for less than/equal to (<=) the entered threshold, the other version checks for greater than (>) the entered threshold.
To consider aggregation groups, you can select the Aggregation group checkbox.
To limit the checked period, you can select the Restrict period checkbox and enter the months to be considered.
When checking for different objects, the condition types count multiple-used objects only once. Whereas, when checking for the total number of objects, the condition types count every object used.
Used differing non-profile/profile objects
These condition types check for used objects and compare them to the objects of a usage profile.
Objects in these condition types are transactions, dialog reports, batch reports, and web services. You can enter threshold values for the number of each individual object type and for the total number of objects.
The condition types count the used objects that are included in the selected usage profile or not.
Number of dialog steps non-profile/profile objects
These condition types check for the used dialog steps in objects and compare them to the objects from a usage profile. They count the used dialog steps of objects that are included in the selected usage profile or not.
Non-profile/Profile differing TCodes in change documents
Total number of change document TCodes not in profile/in profile
These condition types check for transaction codes used for changes that are recorded in change documents. These transaction codes are compared to transaction codes from a usage profile.
The condition types count the different transaction codes, or the total number of transaction codes used that are included in the selected usage profile or not.
Non-profile/Profile differing object classes in change documents
Total number of change document object classes not in profile/in profile
These condition types check for existing object classes used for changes that are recorded in change documents. These object classes are compared to the object classes from a usage profile, similar to the condition type differing transaction codes or the total number of transaction codes in change documents.
tipYou can use these condition types if there are no transaction code entries.
The condition types count the different object classes, or the total number of object classes used that are included in the selected usage profile or not.
Number of BusinessObjects objects not in profile/in profile
These condition types check for the used BusinessObjects objects and compare them to BusinessObjects objects from a usage profile. They count the used BusinessObjects objects that are included in the selected usage profile or not.
Number of authorized TCodes not in profile/in profile
These condition types check for authorized transactions and compare them to authorized transactions from a usage profile. They count the authorized transactions that are included in the selected usage profile or not.
Professional/Limited Professional activities
Professional/Limited Professional activities
Professional/Limited Professional activities performed or not performed
These condition types check if users have performed Professional/Limited Professional activities based on the loaded data in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software or not.
noteIf the amount of data from Professional/Limited Professional activities is too large to load the data, you can use the Professional/Limited Professional activity warnings from the last system measurement condition type instead.
Professional/Limited Professional activity warnings in system measurement
These condition types check if there are Professional/Limited Professional activity warnings based on the loaded measurement data from the last executed system measurement or not.
cautionThe data from the last executed system measurement might not be up to date. If applicable, execute the system measurement again before executing the rule set containing this condition.
Workbench objects
Workbench objects
Has/Has not changed workbench objects as per system measurement
As a developer, a user has a developer key and developer license assigned. This way, a developer can change ABAP workbench objects to customize an SAP system.
This condition type checks for changed/not changed ABAP workbench objects based on loaded measurement data from the last executed system measurement.
cautionData from the last executed system measurement might not be up to date. If applicable, execute the system measurement again before executing the rule set containing this condition.
tipTo make sure a user has both, a key and a license assigned, you can use this condition type in combination with the User master data field condition type with User has developer key as the condition value and with the Set license type action type with BA - mySAP ERP Developer as the action value.
Self-implemented condition
Self-implemented condition
Using the interface /DYNAM/IF_SELF_LOCAL_CONDITION in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software, you can implement completely self-developed condition types that correspond to special environments or interests. Via this interface, self-implemented condition types can access loaded data of any SAP system or external system.
To use self-implemented condition types, you must implement the interface in your own class. The interface has seven methods that you should implement:
Method | Description |
EVALUATE | Condition type logic that is checked. |
IS_ABAP_CODITION | Returns TRUE or FALSE to decide if the condition type applies to ABAP systems. |
IS_BOBJ_CODITION | Returns TRUE or FALSE to decide if the condition type applies to BusinessObjects systems. |
IS_EXT_CODITION | Returns TRUE or FALSE to decide if the condition type applies to non-SAP systems. |
IS_HANA_CODITION | Returns TRUE or FALSE to decide if the condition type applies to HANA databases. |
IS_JUME_CODITION | Returns TRUE or FALSE to decide if the condition type applies to Java-UME systems. |
GET_OUPUT_PARAMETERS | Output parameters that are available in the implementation. |