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External systems

Access through: Administration > External systems

The External systems folder has all functions to manage external systems.

Manage external system types

Manage external system types

Access through: Administration > External systems > External system types

In External systems types, you can create the types of external systems that you can select in Create external system data source entry.

Create external system type

  1. Select New.png.

  2. Enter the name and description for the new external system type.

  3. Save.

Change external system type

  1. Select the row of an external system type.

  2. To show the detailed view, select Details.png.

  3. To switch to change mode, select Switch to change mode.png.

  4. Make the required changes.

  5. Save.

Copy external system type

  1. Select the row of the external system type.

  2. Select Copy1.png.

  3. Change the name and description of the external system type.

  4. Save.

Manage settings for user master data fields

Manage settings for user master data fields

Access through: Administration > External systems > Settings for user master data fields

In Settings for user master data fields, you can define the user master data fields of external system users that are available in reports.

There are tabs for standard field types and reserve field types. For each field, you can select whether to show it or not. By default, all standard fields are shown, and all reserve fields are hidden. You can maintain the descriptions of the reserve fields if necessary.


  1. Select Switch to change mode.png.

  2. In the Standard fields and Reserve fields tab, select or deselect the checkboxes.

  3. In the Reserve fields tab, change the descriptions if necessary.

  4. Save.

Manage CSV field mappings

Manage CSV field mappings

Access through: Administration > External systems > CSV mapping

In CSV mapping, you can create the CSV field mappings that you can select in the CSV file import report.

In addition to mapping fields, you can also define data conversions. The conversions available depend on the field type.

  • Field mappings are 1:1 relations. Therefore, you can map fields only once.

  • Mapping of the USER_ID field is mandatory.

  • You have to activate a CSV field mapping before you can use the CSV mapping to import data.

Create CSV field mapping

  1. Select New.png.

  2. Enter the name and description for the new CSV field mapping.

  3. Enter the number of columns of the CSV file and press ENTER.

  4. Enter the input field descriptions.

  5. Select the target fields.

  6. Select the field conversions if necessary.

  7. To save and activate the CSV field mapping, select Activate.png.

Change CSV field mapping

  1. Select the row of a CSV field mapping.

  2. To show the detailed view, select Details.png.

  3. To switch to change mode, select Switch to change mode.png.

  4. Make the required changes.

  5. To save and activate the CSV field mapping, select Activate.png.

Copy CSV field mapping

  1. Select the row of a CSV field mapping.

  2. Select Copy1.png.

  3. Make the required changes.

  4. To save and activate the CSV field mapping, select Activate.png.