Transaction profile analysis of user authorization roles
Access through: Reports > Reports for ABAP systems > Roles and authorizations > Transaction profile analysis of user authorization roles
The Transaction profile analysis of user authorization roles report shows to what extent the authorization roles assigned to users authorize transactions that are included or excluded in a selected usage profile of ABAP systems. It determines the matching degree of the authorized transactions of a selected usage profile and the authorized transactions of authorization roles that are assigned to users on selected ABAP data sources. The matching degree of the usage profile is calculated as the number of authorized transactions in the usage profile divided by (number of authorized transactions - number of excluded transactions) * 100.
Selection criteria
In addition to the standard selections, the selection screen of the report has the following selections:
Options for usage profile
You have to select a single usage profile or composite usage profile.
Options for roles
You can select authorization roles to limit the report results.
The Single roles only with profile option excludes single roles that do not have a profile assigned from the report result. This option is activated by default.
You can execute this report in the background.
This report result description refers to a report execution with an aggregation scheme by user ID.
The report result shows the following information for each user group:
Matching degree of the selected usage profile with the authorized transactions in percentage
Number of the authorized transactions that are in the usage profile
Number of the authorized transactions that are not in the usage profile
Number of the authorized transactions excluded from usage profile
Total number of the authorized transactions
Consolidated license type
Functions available in the report result:
Show transaction details
noteIn the transaction details, you can include, exclude, or delete transactions from the usage profile.
Show user details