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Results of system measurement

Access through: System measurement > Results of system measurement

The Results of system measurement report is part of the System measurement feature of Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.


This report shows the results of system measurement executions on connected data sources. It provides information about the measurement status, measured engines, and activity checks performed.


You cannot show the results of the official consolidated user license measurement in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software, but you can show them in the LAW after you transferred the results.

If current results are not already loaded into the master system, you can load system measurement results and save the results as LAW files or directly transfer the results to the LAW via an RFC connection.

  • System measurement results are loaded online.

  • To directly transfer results to the LAW via RFC, you must maintain the RFC connection to the LAW central system in RFC destination to LAW central system.

Selection criteria

The selection screen of the report has standard selection criteria.


The report result shows information about the measurement status, measured engines, and activity checks performed in individual tabs. In case the current results are not loaded into the master system, you can load the results manually:

  • Load incomplete results into the master system Import from LAW.png

  • Load results into the master system Reload results.png


The Status tab shows information about the measurement status of the selected data sources. Icons indicate the loading status:

Status green.pngData is loaded completely.
Status yellow.pngData is loaded partially.
Status red.pngNo data is found on the data source.

In the details, you can drill down the applications found.

Functions available within the tab:

  • Show details Details1.png

  • Reload results Reload results1.png

  • Start system measurement Start.png

  • Download LAW file Download.png

  • Transfer results to LAW Transfer.png


The Engines tab shows information about the measured engines and their status. Icons indicate the loading status:

Status green.pngData is loaded completely.
Status yellow.pngData is loaded partially.
Status red.pngNo data is found on the data source.

The relevancy for SAP measurement and the threshold for usage is indicated. Additionally, you can open the official SAP engine documentation in an external link.


In the details, you can drill down the units found.

Functions available within the tab:

  • Show details Details1.png

  • Open official SAP engine documentation Documentation.png

Activity checks

The Activity checks tab shows information about the activity checks that were performed during the system measurement execution.

Activity checkDescription
Multiple logonsUsers who logged in to a system more than once at the same time
Deleted usersDeleted users in a given period
Expired usersInvalidated users in a given period
Logon after expirationUsers who logged in after the valid-to-date
Logon of future usersUsers who have a valid-from-date set to a later date than the day of their last logon
Work timeUsers who did not have a break of at least 8 hours during two consecutive days in producing or changing entries in selected database tables
Volume of workUsers who exceeded a threshold for creating or changing database table entries in selected database tables
Note: SAP uses certain statistical parameters to decide if the number exceeds the threshold.
Cross-component usageUsers who created or changed entries in database tables of different SAP modules in the same second
Workbench usersUsers who changed workbench objects
Professional/Limited Professional usersUsers who are classified as ESS or Employee but accessed business tables that require a Professional or Limited Professional user license
Mobile engine usersUsers who accessed mobile engines

The activity checks Work time, Volume of work, and Cross-component usage indicate Indirect Usage. All other activity checks are license relevant.


You can also show the activity checks relevant for Indirect Usage with the Activity checks Indirect Usage report.

The Status column is highlighted if a critical activity check requires your attention.


Highlighted activity checks attract the interest of SAP and have to be explained in an audit.


You can define your own thresholds for activity checks in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software and send warnings when a threshold is exceeded.

The Count column shows the total numbers for every activity check. In the details, you can drill down the numbers per system and the users per system.

Functions available within the tab:

  • Show details Details1.png