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Results of duplicate search

Access through: Duplicate search > Results of duplicate search

Results of duplicate search is a part of the Duplicate search feature in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software. It lists the results of duplicate search executions in a table.


Duplicate search results summarize all combinations of different user IDs that belong to the same user. In the results table, you can find a result under the name you entered as the description in the Execute duplicate search report. By double-clicking on a result, details of the result are shown in the Direct hit groups, United hit groups, and Protocol data tab.


In the results table, the Status column shows the status of the duplicate search executions.

Direct hit groups

This tab shows the users that meet the duplicate search criteria in pairs. You can show the result for all system types or per individual system type.

United hit groups

This tab shows the users that meet the duplicate search criteria aggregated in groups. This way, you can identify potential duplicates. You can show the result for all system types or per individual system type.

Protocol data

This tab shows information about the execution parameters and data sources.