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Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software has tables to show and classify data.



Tables are either created to show the results of reports, or they contain entries of the objects that you created in features. In both cases, the same functions are available.

Common buttons

Details1.pngShow details of table entries.
New1.pngCreate table entries.
Refresh1.pngRefresh table view.
Duplicate_row.pngCopy table entries.
Delete2.pngDelete table entries.
Ascending order.pngSort table entries in ascending order.
Descending order.pngSort table entries in descending order.
Find.pngSearch table entries.
Filter.pngFilter table entries.
Print.pngPrint table entries.
Export.pngExport table entries.
Select all.pngSelect all table entries.
Add note.pngExisting note.pngIn case of created entries to use in features, you can add a note to each entry and show existing notes.
Note: You can show a summary of all notes in Notes.