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User licenses

The report shows counts regarding user licenses depending on the selected data sources and other data.

  1. Select data sources.

  2. Select users.

    Leave checkbox for users relevant for licensing activated or deactivate it.

    • For ABAP systems, all dialogue users and technical users with a manually assigned license type are licensing-relevant. SAP standard users, like SAP* or WF-BATCH, are not licensing-relevant. For individual users, the license-relevance can be seen in all reports in which user master data is listed: Users with class type ‘N’ and ‘X’ are not licensing-relevant, but all other users.

    • License-relevance only applies to SAP licensing. In Snow Optimizer, all currently valid users must be licensed.

    • To use the selection for only license-relevant users, you must activate the 'Roles and authorizations' and 'USMM license type systematic' checkboxes when loading data.

  3. Select aggregation scheme.

  4. Select license type hierarchy.

  5. If the report is executed in background, select notifications and receiver lists.

  6. Click on Execute.png.

The resulting table provides user licenses consolidated by license type and gives information about license counts, locked users, users who did not log in for 90, 180 and 360 days, and unused users who have never logged in. User master data can be directly accessed by double-clicking on the numbers.


The report automatically excludes users not relevant for licensing. The total number of shown users can be lower than in other reports which also list technical users or SAP-predefined users like SAP* and DDIC.