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Evaluation Digital Access estimation

The report shows the estimated number of Digital Documents generated by Digital Access on selected data sources. The time period, Digital Document type, and users can be selected to limit results.


Before using this report, it is required to load Digital Access estimation data with the ABAP data load report.


  1. Select data sources.

  2. Enter period of time and type of Digital Document.

    To open calendar or see available data, click on Select data.png.

    Select value and click on Accept.png.

    Enter users and activate or deactivate required options.


    If these selections are skipped, the report shows all Digital Document data existing on the selected data source.

    If the entered user is a known technical user, Indirect Accesses that were caused by this user can be checked.

    It is generally required to know users who cause Indirect Accesses and include those users in the report to specifically investigate Digital Documents.

  3. If the report is executed in background, select notifications and receiver lists.

  4. Click on Execute.png.

The result provides information about the type of Digital Document, the number of users who created a Digital Document, the number of data sources a Digital Document was found on, how many Digital Documents of the same type were created, and the actual document count considering the multiplier.

Function available:

  • To see details, mark row and click on Details1.png.

  • To aggregate users in detail view, click on Aggregate_users-en.png.

  • To undo aggregation in detail view, click on Undo_user_aggregation-en.png.