Evaluation Digital Access measurement
Access through: Indirect usage > Digital Access > Evaluation Digital Access measurement
The Evaluation Digital Access measurement report is part of the Indirect Usage feature in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software. It gives you information about the measured number of Digital Documents generated by Digital Access on selected data sources.
Before using this report, you must load Digital Access measurement data.
To count the number of Digital Documents, the report uses the SAP Passport tool. Hence, the support packages including SAP Passport must be installed on the systems.
Digital Documents can only be measured from the point in time when SAP Passport is installed on the systems. It is impossible to measure Digital Documents that were created before this time.
To show information about the estimated number of Digital Documents, execute the Evaluation Digital Access estimation report.
Selection criteria
In addition to the standard selections, the selection screen of the report has the following selections:
- Unit
The report result shows the following information:
Number of Digital Documents
Number of Digital Documents considering the multiplier per data source, unit, and application
Period of the measurement
Functions available in the report result:
Aggregate/resolve data sources
Show distribution of Digital Documents across data sources (aggregate data sources for this function)
Show distribution of Digital Documents across units
Show historical trend of Digital Documents