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Manage notification texts

Access through: Cross-functional objects > Notification texts

Access through: Warning functions > Notification texts

In preparation for the automated sending of notifications, you can create notification texts in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.


You can find the notification texts feature in two places in the Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software menu: once in the Cross-functional objects folder and once in the Warning functions folder.

Create notification text

  1. Select New.png.

  2. Enter the name and subject for the new notification text.

  3. Enter the body text.


    The body text may contain parameters that in the sent email are replaced with the content of the system fields.

  4. Save.

Change notification text

  1. Select the row of the notification text.

  2. To show the detailed view, select Details.png.

  3. To switch to change mode, select Switch to change mode.png.

  4. Make the required changes in the name, subject, or body text.

  5. Save.

Copy notification text

  1. Select the row of the notification text.

  2. Select Copy1.png.

  3. Change the name and optionally the subject and body text.

  4. Save.