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Access through: Administration > Pseudonymization

The Pseudonymization feature of Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software allows you to make user data unrecognizable to specific users.

If your organization has high privacy requirements, only certain users should be able to show sensitive user data. Therefore, you can specify that certain users can only show user names in an encrypted form in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software. You can also hide selected user data fields for these users.


User names are encoded with capital letters.

For the user name encryption, you create pseudonymization groups and assign users to these groups. The group members can show user names in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software only in encrypted form. In another table, you can select user data fields that are not displayed to group members.

  • To create pseudonymization groups, add members, and hide user data fields you need administration authorizations.

  • Members of pseudonymization groups may not

Best practice

To get the most out of the Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software pseudonymization feature, follow the steps below:

  1. Think about which users should not be able to show which user data.

  2. Create pseudonymization groups for users who should not be able to show user names.

  3. Assign the users to the pseudonymization groups.

  4. Select the user data fields that members of a certain group are not allowed to show.