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Single usage profiles

Access through: Cross-functional objects > Usage profiles > Single usage profiles

Single usage profiles define the objects of a usage profile.


Single usage profiles contain the included and excluded objects of a usage profile. You can combine several single usage profiles into a composite usage profile.

  • Single usage profiles that are part of the License Intelligence templates are password-protected. You cannot show, change, or copy protected single usage profiles without entering the password. The password is for Snow Software use only. To change the objects of a protected single usage profile, you can modify the template.

  • In the single usage profile overview, activated checkboxes in the Template and Protected columns indicate password-protected single usage profile templates


Create a single usage profile that contains all generally excluded transactions and reports. You should reuse this profile within all composite usage profiles.


Below are two examples of single usage profiles. The first example is a usage profile for the license type SAP ESS. The second example is a usage profile that only has excluded objects. You can use these single usage profiles to create a composite usage profile.


An SAP ESS usage profile that considers the SAP ESS user definition included in the contract documents.

Included objects:

Entry typeIncluded objectsDescription
RSAPLCATSCross application time sheet
TCADOTime sheet: Display data
TCAT2Time sheet: Maintain times
TCAT3Time sheet: Display times

No excluded objects.


A usage profile that excludes all general transactions, reports, etc. that can be used by any user.

No included objects.

Excluded objects:

Entry typeExcluded objectsDescription
R<AD*Active Directory reports
R<RPC*Timeout reports
RDEMO_DYNPRO_F4_HELP_MODULEDemonstration for F4 help from dialog modules
RMain menuSAP Easy Access
RRFCRemote Function Call
RSAPMS380ABAP runtime error
RSAPMSYSTSystem program
TSESSION_MANAGERSession Manager tree menu display