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Cost carrier hierarchies

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Cost carrier hierarchies is part of the cost allocation feature in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.


Cost carrier hierarchies represent the current cost carrier structure within your company. You can create cost carrier hierarchies in preparation for defining cost allocation schemas and executing cost allocations. In cost carrier hierarchies, there are single and collective cost carriers.

Single cost carriers

Single cost carriers are standalone cost carriers or endpoints in a cost carrier hierarchy. You cannot distribute the costs of single cost carriers to other cost carriers.

Collective cost carriers

Collective cost carriers contain one or several single or other collective cost carriers. You can distribute the costs of collective cost carriers to subordinated single or collective cost carriers.

There are three cost distribution types for collective cost carriers:

  • Equal distribution

    The costs are distributed equally to all directly subordinated elements.

  • Individual distribution

    The costs are distributed according to a percentage that you can individually adjust in every subordinated cost carrier.

  • Self implementation

    Using the interface /DYNAM/IF_CUST_COST_DISTR in a self-implemented class, you can implement self-developed cost distribution types.


You cannot distribute more than 100 percent of the costs of a collective cost carrier to subordinated cost carriers.