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HTTP accesses from external

The report shows HTTP accesses from external when the ABAP data source acts as a server. The report is based on loaded CCMS statistics data.

HTTP access from external.png

  1. Select ABAP data sources.

  2. Enter selection criteria.

  3. Select monthly period.

  4. Select aggregation scheme.

  5. Click on Execute.png.

The resulting table provides the task type, entry type, statistics data object, as well as local user ID and local host.

Functions available:

  • To see user details, mark row and click on User details.png.

    To change user master data within user details, mark row and click on Change user master data.png.

  • To see consumption details, mark row and click on Consumption details.png.

  • To see change document details, mark row and click on Change document details.png.