Authorization Object Z:DYNAM:RP
This authorization object controls the access to reports.
Authorization field | Values | Description |
/DYNAM/REP (Report functions) | A001 | ABAP Logon Analysis |
A002 | ABAP Usage Analysis | |
A003 | ABAP Usage profile analysis | |
A004 | ABAP Change document profile analysis | |
A005 | ABAP Module analysis | |
A006 | ABAP Role analysis | |
A007 | ABAP Authorized/executed transactions | |
A008 | ABAP Authorization roles for transactions | |
A009 | ABAP LAW Personalization Objects | |
A010 | ABAP Data Overview | |
A020 | ABAP Add-on OpenText | |
A030 | ABAP RFC access from external | |
A031 | ABAP RFC access to external | |
A032 | ABAP HTTP access from external | |
A033 | ABAP HTTP access to external | |
A034 | Namespaces Third-Party Products | |
A035 | Activity checks indirect usage | |
A036 | ABAP host accesses in/out overview | |
A037 | Evaluation Digital Documents | |
A038 | IDOCs (Overview/Display) | |
A039 | RFC destinations | |
A040 | Batch Input | |
A041 | User authorizations ABAP systems | |
A042 | Authorization roles ABAP systems | |
A043 | Authorization profiles ABAP systems | |
A044 | Evaluation Measurement Digital Access | |
A045 | Transaction profile analysis of user authorization roles ABAP systems | |
A046 | Validation authorization object classification - User list | |
A047 | Validation authorization object classification - Role list | |
A048 | Results classification authorization objects | |
BF01 | Business Functions Analysis | |
BL01 | User counts on data sources | |
BL02 | User licenses | |
CE01 | Engine compliance analysis | |
CU01 | User compliance analysis | |
DS01 | Duplicate search | |
DS02 | Dashboard | |
GP01 | Guided Procedures | |
H001 | Memory usage HANA systems | |
H002 | Temporal development of HANA systems memory usage | |
H003 | HANA systems applications | |
H004 | HANA Runtime Verification | |
OB01 | Object export to file | |
OB02 | Object import from file | |
RS01 | Rule set | |
RS02 | Cost allocation | |
SC01 | Installed software components analysis | |
SL01 | Client applications from external sources | |
SM01 | Show system measurement configuration | |
SM02 | Start system measurement | |
SM03 | Display system measurement results | |
SP01 | User list S/4HANA Public Cloud | |
SP02 | Assignment User - Role - Catalog S/4HANA Public Cloud | |
US01 | User list | |
US02 | Matrix Users / Data sources | |
US03 | Show HR activity status | |
US04 | User reconciliation | |
US05 | Show Active Directory information | |
UT01 | Unused transactions | |
BO01 | BusinessObjects license data | |
BO02 | Logon analysis BusinessObjects systems | |
BO03 | Usage analysis BusinessObjects systems | |
BO04 | Usage profile analysis BusinessObjects systems | |
UP01 | User Update Schema | |
LG01 | Log Change List Transfers | |
UPD1 | Delta Comparison Profile Objects | |
/DYNAM/SDI (Display ID of data source) | Data sources |