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Manage license type hierarchies

Access through: Cross-functional objects > License type hierarchies

In preparation for report executions and rule set executions, you can define license type hierarchies in Snow Optimizer for SAP® Software.

Create license type hierarchy

  1. Select New.png.

  2. Enter the name and description for the new license type hierarchy.

  3. If required, select Allow combining license types.


    When you select this option, a user gets a combination of license types as consolidated license type if his license types cannot be consolidated.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Add direct relations:

      1. Select Add1.png.

      2. In Insert direct relation, enter the license type number and the contained license type number.

      3. Select Accept.png.

      4. Repeat steps a. to c. until you added all required direct relations.

    • Import relations from another license type hierarchy and merge the imported entries with the existing entries:

      1. Select Merge.png.

      2. Select the license type hierarchy for merging and select Accept.png.

    • Import a license type hierarchy from the LAW:

      1. Select Import from LAW.png.

      2. Enter the RFC destination and select Accept.png.

  5. To show all license type relations, select the All relations tab.


    The information in the All relations tab is provided for informational purposes only.

  6. Save.

Change license type hierarchy

  1. Select the row of the license type hierarchy.

  2. To show the detailed view, select Details.png.

  3. To switch to change mode, select Switch to change mode.png.

  4. To make changes, do the following:

    • Change the name or description of the license type hierarchy.

    • To add a direct relation, select Add.png.

    • To delete a direct relation, select the row of the direct relation and select Delete1.png.

    • To merge the license type hierarchy with another license type hierarchy, select Merge.png.

    • To import a license type hierarchy from the LAW, select Import from LAW.png.

  5. To show all license type relations, select the All relations tab.


    The information in the All relations tab is provided for informational purposes only.

  6. Save.

Copy license type hierarchy


To meet special requirements for license types, you can copy and edit the delivered templates LAW_STANDARD and LAW_STANDARD_COMBINE.

  1. Select the row of the license type hierarchy.

  2. Select Copy1.png .

  3. Change the name and description of the license type hierarchy.

  4. Make other required changes:

    • To add a direct relation, select Add.png.

    • To delete a direct relation, select the row of the direct relation and select Delete1.png.

    • To merge the license type hierarchy with another license type hierarchy, select Merge.png.

    • To import a license type hierarchy from the LAW, select Import from LAW.png.

  5. To show all license type relations, select the All relations tab.


    The information in the All relations tab is provided for informational purposes only.

  6. Save.