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Data administration

Depending on the loaded data, several tabs show connected ABAP data sources with status icons to give more information. By clicking on icons, pop-ups show the data source and category, as well as when and by which user the data was loaded last. By clicking on empty fields, pop-ups only show the data source and category. Depending on the data category, options in pop-ups are available to load and/or delete data.

Non-periodic data:

Data Administration Nonperiodic Data.png

Loaded_complete.pngData was loaded completely.
Outdated.pngData is outdated based on the warning threshold.
Not available.pngData is not available due to system type or version.
NoneNo data was loaded.

Periodic data (consumption data, Digital Documents, change documents, IDocs, and batch input):

Data Administration Consumption Data.png





Loaded_complete1.pngData is loaded completely because the selected time period is complete.
Incomplete.pngData is loaded incompletely because the selected time period is incomplete. 
NoneNo data was loaded.