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Create ABAP role classification

  1. In ABAP role classifications, click on New.png.

  2. Enter name and description for new ABAP role classification.

  3. To add roles from connected systems, click on Add roles.png.

    Select data sources and click on Accept.png.

    Select roles and click on Accept.png.

  4. To adopt SAP role classification, click on Adopt SAP role classification.png.

    Select data sources and click on Accept.png.

    Select roles and click on Accept.png.

  5. To import roles from file, click on Import from file.png.

    Make sure entries are separated by semicolons and confirm message.

    Browse to file, select file, and open file.

  6. To add new role manually, click on Add.png.

    Enter role name and license type number.


    Role names are not spell-checked and are not verified if entered roles actually exist.

  7. To save ABAP role classification, press CTRL+S.

  8. To switch to display mode, click on Switch to display mode.png.

    To see new ABAP role classification listed, click on SAP navigation back.png.